© Jacqueline Grosman
Third wonky teapot
7 cm x 12 cm
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Second wonky teapot
7 cm x 12 cm
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First wonky teapot
7 cm x 12 cm
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Wonky Jugs at Coda Apeldoorn
28 cm x 16 cm
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Jugs around a tent
20 cm x 15 cm
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Landscap near pond
10 cm x 5 cm
(127 kb)
man holding phone, seated
7 cm x 8 cm
(64 kb)
Man reads papers
10 cm x 13 cm
(54 kb)
Sunflowers near the kitchen allotments in Oosterbe
21 cm x 15.5 cm
(112 kb)
Woman paying a purchase at the market
10 cm x 15 cm
(130 kb)